Beauty Guru Tati Westbrook Returns to YouTube after karmageddon

After a year long hiatus, youtube’s once beloved makeup guru Tati Westbrook also known as glam life guru is back on the youtube beauty community. And personally I am as happy as I could be as she was much needed in the beauty community after all the shenanigans it has gone through in the past year . Tati, also the C.E.O. of Halo beauty and Tati beauty had uploaded her last video on the anniversary of very infamously video “Bye Sisters” in regards to James Charles (who in recently admitted to sending explicit images of himself to minor) known as Dramageddon 2 and contributing her side of story to karmageddon last year where youtube’s two former favourite’s Shane Dawson and Jeffrey Starr was brought down to the dirt for their past behaviour and manipulation to being in “top” of industry by “allegedly” defaming James Charles. Yes this is very confusing if you are not in tune with Youtube beauty community dramas. It’s our (beauty enthusiast)’s own reality show with a whole lot of telenovelas.

I am getting carried away by the past drama, I have invested a lot of my time and energy there (yes I don’t have a life). Let’s get back to Tati’s return video, in this video, she announced her comeback, addressed her ongoing lawsuit with her business partner of Halo beauty, talked about how things between her and her husband James Westbrook took a downturn during this period.

In the 18:48 minutes video Tati does mention she doesn’t want to talk about past drama and people involved (tbh I am glad as everyone is over that). To me personally Tati seemed genuinely happy to be back on youtube. She was one of the few beauty gurus who uploaded videos 5 days a week in the past and was a non problematic beauty guru until the “bye sisters” video. She also mentioned that she is not in contact with any other beauty youtuber nor there is any litigation of any sort with anyone from the beauty community( hinting to her last video allegation with Jeffrey star and shane dawson).

Tati also mentioned that around the time she made her last video she was getting very explicit death threats, online harassment to the extent of being threatened to be monitored via her smart electronic devices. And being blackmailed to pay up for her privacy not to be leaked. Along with that at the same given point her business partner of Halo beauty sued her for 30 million USD which is still ongoing. He was also providing the inside information of the business and case to the youtube drama channel (“hint: not without crystal ball” that’s another rabbit hole, told you I have no life).

Amid all these things going on, it took a toll on relationship with her husband who is also involved in Halo Beauty. During the end of last year they were separated according to Tati and were on the verge of getting divorce. She mentioned now they are back together and amended their relationship. And also she is in her spiritual journey away from the past drama.

I am genuinely happy that Tati is back and will be doing her regular video. As a makeup lover, I religiously followed her and trusted her recommendation. I hope she comes up as strong and conscious as before Dramageddon 2 happened. I wish her all the best for her comeback.

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