From A Teacher To Full Time Content Creator – Dandy In The Bronx As An Inspiration For The Others

Let us introduce you to Diego, better known as Dandy In The Bronx – a Meanswear Fashion Creator who makes dressing well accessible to all.

Diego was born and raised in the Bronx, and now he devotes lots of time to support causes and businesses there. His passion for menswear started early, once he began his career as a preschool teacher. He was dressing well every day, so that his students would feel comfortable wearing the required uniforms. The sense of style that Diego had started to be recognized by many, and met with lots of positive opinions, so he decided to dive into Tumblr, Instagram, and various blogs to learn about both past and present menswear fashion, and seek some inspiration to influence the future of menswear as well.

Diego soon met Nathaniel Adams, an electronic musician, who identified as “a dandy”– a gentleman, and a man who looks stylish, fashionable. After that, Dandy In The Bronx was born.

Taken from an interview conducted by Marti Fox with Dandy In The Bronx for

Marti Fox: What is the number 1 key to success in your industry?

Dandy In The Bronx: Being consistent, and being serious of what you’re doing. Everyone now can be an influencer, and lots of people think that it is a “get rich quick” scam almost. So, first of all, you need to be passionate about whatever you’re talking about. Whether it’s fashion, makeup, video games, you need to actually LOVE it. So, whatever path you’re going to take, make sure you love it and want to learn more things about it.

And this is very important: when someone mentions your name and they can’t tell someone else what your personal brand is in less than a sentence, then I think it’s very important to work that out, because if not, you’re going to miss out on opportunities of working with brands and doing collaborations, because people must be able to recognize who you are.

Marti Fox: Yes, I agree. It is very important to differentiate yourself somehow and find your niche, isn’t it?

Dandy In The Bronx: Yes, very true. It is NOT good to do everything at once, sadly. Maybe when you get bigger, maybe when you are on Kim’s Kardashian level, you can do whatever you want, but as you’re slowly growing, you need to be able to niche down, because that helps people to follow you, it helps the algorithm to show you to the right people. If one day you’re posting suits, suits, suits, and the next day you’re posting puppies, sure, people will like puppies, but people didn’t follow you for puppies. It’s important to niche down to make it able for people to find you, and for brands to find you.

Marti Fox: During your transition from a teacher to a content creator, did you face any obstacles? Were there things holding you back?

Dandy In The Bronx: Honestly, the big thing that holds me back is time, and energy. But, what I’ve come to learn is that “time is money”, so being able to outsource some things or collaborate with people, or being able to push a project to someone else to help you is very important.

As I’ve grown my brand, I can find someone to help me. For example, when I’m shooting a video, I can find someone to edit the video, or if I’m shooting in a hotel, I can hire a photographer to help me out. When I do it all by myself, obviously I know what I like, and what I want, but I will be wasting precious time and resource, instead of doing something else with my time and energy.

Marti Fox: This is very important what you’re saying, because many people get caught up in this trap of doing everything by themselves, and in the reality, they are just wasting their time, because they are not moving as fast as they should be moving, so learning how to outsource things is very important. This also might be very difficult, because many people can think “yeah, but I can do it”, but how much time is it going to take for them? They can be doing it for 6 hours, but someone else just 2 hours.

Dandy In The Bronx: Hey, I know some people who are AMAZING at everything. I’m not going to lie, they can do EVERYTHING in the world, BUT it’s just for time management, because if you outsource that task to somebody else, you will be able to do something else.

The complete video interview with Diego, Dandy In The Bronx, will be available soon on our YouTube channel. His passion, motivation and tips that he shares are precious, not only for aspiring content creators, but for all the people seeking some inspiration. Stay tuned and meanwhile follow us on our social media to make sure you don’t miss out on anything!

Instagram: @intfluencer.official

Dandy In The Bronx Instagram: @dandyinthebronx

Marti’s Fox Instagram: @mydearmarti

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