We are delighted to bring you guys an exclusive interview with lifestyle influencer ‘SuperMommy’. Enjoy our chat about everything influencer!
Hey SuperMommy, introduce yourself to our readers! What’s your name and your background?
My name is Neetu (Mirchandani), better known as SuperMommy to all of my followers. I am a native Californian, but have permanently made my home in Singapore for the last 14 years. I have two energetic boys, Zayden age 12 and Xavion age 9, who are the center of my universe. In my previous life, I used to be a corporate lawyer, but now am a full-time entrepreneur and Super Mom.
Some fun facts about me are that I am a fitness buff, on a constant health kick, super organized and a bit of a beauty junkie. I love to travel to exotic places, cook all types of food, plan awesome parties and experience life to its fullest!
To find out more about SuperMommy, visit her amazing about page here! : www.supermommy.com.sg/about/
So, what type of influencer would you say describes yourself best?
I would say I am considered best as a Women’s Lifestyle Influencer.
What is your favourite type of content to produce?
I like to produce content that will help my followers. I like to answer the questions that people are afraid to ask and others are too shy to answer.
We need more people like you! It is always interesting for our readers to know how an influencer career started? Did you always have plans to become an influencer?
Although over the years my title has changed from being a “Blogger”, to an “Influencer” or “Key Opinion Leader” – this is a role that I was definitely meant to be in, although never planned to be.
To be completely honest, I didn’t even know what an influencer was when I started 9 years ago. I randomly started speaking to someone at a friend’s wedding who worked in the media industry and after a 15 minute conversation was told I would make an excellent blogger and if I had ever considered it. My response was, “I am a lawyer, what is a blogger?” – #totallyclueless! After that conversation I turned to my trusty friend Google and researched everything I needed to know about being a blogger and the rest is history.
It’s funny how a 15 minute conversation has led you here today! They say being a mum is the hardest job in the world… how do you manage to keep your socials up to date and be a mum!?
Between being a mum & entrepreneur, keeping my socials up to date is definitely a challenge! Sometimes, I feel that social media is my nemesis. I love producing content for my website, but when it comes to socials it is definitely more a chore than a passion.
So, what is the best thing and the worst thing about being an influencer?
The best thing about being an influencer is knowing that I have a voice and that my advice might make a difference in someone’s life.
The worst thing about being an influencer is that the work never ends. As a lifestyle influencer, the job and myself are one and the same – it’s hard to clock out from your own life…
People don’t realise how much goes into accounts nowadays! – What impact has the pandemic had on your career as an influencer? Has it been positive or negative?
As an influencer the type of content I produce has changed due to the pandemic, however I do not feel that the outcome could be defined as negative. There are less events to attend in person and opportunities for influencers due to the current market however I feel that the pandemic now has different types of online collaborations such as webinars and livestreaming.
That’s good to hear it hasn’t impacted you too negatively. – Do you travel a lot? Where has been your favourite place to travel?
Yes, we do travel a lot. I adore travelling, but hate packing! My travel style has changed since my 20’s, where I used to be more adventurous and loved to travel off the beaten path. Now with kids I like to choose destinations that are much more relaxing and child friendly.
As for my favorite place – I don’t have just one, I just like the thrill of going someplace new and exploring. Even if the trip turns out horrible, it’s the experience and the stories from that place that made it worthwhile.
Will the SuperMommy brand remain when your kids grow up?
Only time will tell if the SuperMommy brand will remain, however I do feel that striving to be a super mom is something that is timeless and sees no color or race. Once you become a mom the desire to do the best for your child, no matter what age they are, will always be something that we as women strive for.
Even after children grow up and become adults, mothers still play important roles in their kids’ lives, so being a super mom will last a lifetime. Who knows maybe I can change the brand name to SuperGrandMommy (LOL).
I love the idea hahaha, Where do you see yourself in 5 years time?
In 5 years’ time I hope to have an even greater voice with women and host my own talk show or be an inspirational speaker. I will leave it in the hands of the all-knowing universe to decide what my future holds…
What or who is your biggest inspiration?
Although it sounds cliché, but my children are my biggest inspiration. Without my boys, there would be no SuperMommy.
We hope you enjoyed our exclusive interview with lifestyle influencer SuperMommy! If you want to show support and keep updated with her content, you can follow her on Instagram @supermommysg